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[AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

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Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 Raymond Wan 發表於 2010-01-13, 20:24

:share: :share: :share:

Simple Bass Trap - Less Effective (Absorption)

Boxed Bass Trap - More Effective (Vibration & Absorption/Damping)

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

RealTraps is definitely not the Boxed Bass Traps that you designed and used at your own home at present.

It is just a Simple Bass Trap with Rigid Fibre Board to be placed at corners or walls leaving a gap behind.

The RealTraps basically is a thick layer of High Density Fibre to absorb the sound energy.

The fibres are similar to common Rock Wool of higher density. Full thickness of 3.25" of the BareTraps consists the same materials.

There is no gap inside the Thin Panel of the RealTraps.

:share: :share: :share:

I have opened up one of my BareTraps with slightly removal of the covered fabic at the back.

:a009: :a009: :a009:








:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

As you can see they are just special blends of fibre tissues of high density (acoustic materials) which special formulated and tuned to absorb low frequencies energy and reject slightly the mid & high frequencies.

Hence, they are useful to be used as Bass Traps when placing at the corners but will not absorb too much mid and high frequencis.

But they may be also useful to reduce the Echo or RT60 of mid to high frequencies.

:049: :049: :049:

Kung Fu Panda's Father said, "There is No Secret Ingredient Inside"

The RealTraps uses special type of fibre to absorbs the energy, it is surely not the so-call "Pressure Type" that you refers to with a thin board in front and glass fibre at the back.

:question2: :question2: :question2:

Thin Panel Traps = Pressure Traps ???

You observe the RealTraps outlook and think all the Thin Panels must be Boxed Bass Trap !!

You will easily be fool by the external appearance only of similar device !!

:a013: :a013: :a013:
Have 100% Fun on Sharing AV & HiFi Subjects and Knowledge
My Subconscious M&K Combos
Welcome to My AV World: Home Theatre
Raymond Wan
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
文章: 26231
來自: 中國一幅地

2004-11-22, 21:08

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 minime 發表於 2010-01-16, 01:54

Raymond Wan 寫:

Please feel free to take any photos or data that I have posted here.

I do not mind you sending to other Forum and asking for information.

If you can find any useful information, please do share with us.

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

Here you go: Realtrap placement question
Please feel free to chime in for more info.

學到一點就是 Ethan 的realtraps 與一般的panel trap 設計原理略有差異.
因此建議的設置方式是離牆或角落一小段距離(10-30cm都OK), 讓兩邊都能有氣流通過,
因此他不建議前後堆疊. 而是分散佈置到各牆角.
Fun區 - 小混混
Fun區 - 小混混
文章: 48

2009-11-04, 18:46

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 Raymond Wan 發表於 2010-01-16, 08:42

minime 寫:
Raymond Wan 寫:

Please feel free to take any photos or data that I have posted here.

I do not mind you sending to other Forum and asking for information.

If you can find any useful information, please do share with us.

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

Here you go: Realtrap placement question
Please feel free to chime in for more info.

學到一點就是 Ethan 的realtraps 與一般的panel trap 設計原理略有差異.
因此建議的設置方式是離牆或角落一小段距離(10-30cm都OK), 讓兩邊都能有氣流通過,
因此他不建議前後堆疊. 而是分散佈置到各牆角.

:guitar: :guitar: :guitar: 略作回應 :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

minime: 學到一點就是 Ethan 的realtraps 與一般的panel trap 設計原理略有差異.

這是己知 --> 因用的物料不同,所以我才有興趣嘗試,只是你說 RealTraps 是"壓力型"獨特設計 :confused: :confused:

minime: 因此建議的設置方式是離牆或角落一小段距離(10-30cm都OK), 讓兩邊都能有氣流通過,更有效發揮吸音的功能.

這也是在 RealTraps 網的建議離牆 3" 以上,我也已提及,我亦是用這樣作測試及比較,只是你相反地說離牆效能會更差 :a002: :a002:

minime: 因此他不建議前後堆疊. 而是分散佈置到各牆角

請注意,及翻閱我所有測試的十多個的不同組合,已是包括有分佈在各牆角,且有分佈在各牆邊,我只是在買入 BareTraps 後,在歸還 MondoTraps 及 MiniTraps 前,作終極一試,用未試過的前後堆疊法,目的是希望增大 RealTraps 作為 Corner Bass Traps 效能,但事實也發現是無效!且現實在香港的環境狹窄居室中,前後堆疊法根本不可行,如有地方建做 Bass Trap 在牆角更有效,前後堆疊只是為測試而測試而已,不用太執着!

:003: :003: :003:


全用 DAAD 調音柱,效果最佳 :great: :great:

全用 RealTraps 調音板,效果不及 DAAD 調音柱 :confused: :confused:

用 DAAD 調音柱加 RealTraps 調音板,效果亦不及只用 DAAD 調音柱 :coldsweat2: :coldsweat2:

:a008: :a008: :a008:

我的最終決定,只用回原來的 DAAD 調音柱組合

但亦另新買入 4 塊 RealTraps BareTraps 作第一反射點吸音 (因效果較 DAAD2 為好)

:004: :004: :004:


並非只用網上搜尋器找資料而來的,未試過 RealTraps,根本不知它是用在我家是無效的

:confused: :confused: :a002: :a002: :045: :045: :042: :042:



:announce: :announce: :question2: :question2: :a013: :a013: :lightbulb: :lightbulb:

最後再次多謝 Eddie 兄慷慨借出 RealTraps 供我嘗試 :sorry: :sorry: :sorry:

為答謝他的好意,故也花了很多時間詳細列出大部份測試内容及結果 :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

供大家參考,並分享我的個人體驗 :love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

:049: :049: :drink1: :004: :004:
Have 100% Fun on Sharing AV & HiFi Subjects and Knowledge
My Subconscious M&K Combos
Welcome to My AV World: Home Theatre
Raymond Wan
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
文章: 26231
來自: 中國一幅地

2004-11-22, 21:08

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 minime 發表於 2010-01-16, 10:54

Raymond Wan 寫:

minime: 學到一點就是 Ethan 的realtraps 與一般的panel trap 設計原理略有差異.

這是己知 --> 因用的物料不同,所以我才有興趣嘗試,只是你說 RealTraps 是"壓力型" :confused: :confused:

minime: 因此建議的設置方式是離牆或角落一小段距離(10-30cm都OK), 讓兩邊都能有氣流通過,更有效發揮吸音的功能.

這也是在 RealTraps 網的建議離牆 3" 以上,我也提及,我也是這樣作測試及比較,只是你相反地說離牆效能會更差 :a002: :a002:

小弟並未提及離牆距離實際值, 僅估計它們不宜離太遠. 3-4"是可理解,不過達到30cm則非預期.
因為以典型的tuned panel trap (我所謂的"壓力型"設計), 離牆愈遠 LF absorption 效果愈低.
Realtraps 自有其設計上獨到處, 至於是否為您所謂
"It is just a panel with Tailor-Made High Density Fibre of 3.25" (MiniTraps) or 4.25" (MondoTraps) thick
如果是如此, 這與一般的rigid fiberglass board 有何不同?
不建議堆疊的用法, 與一般的rigid fiberglass board 作用並不同.

minime: 因此他不建議前後堆疊. 而是分散佈置到各牆角

請注意,及翻閱我所測試的十分多的不同組合,已是有分佈在各牆角,且有分佈在各牆邊,我只是在買入 BareTraps 後,在歸還 MondoTraps 及 MiniTraps 前,作終極一試,用未試過的前後堆疊法,目的是希望增大 RealTraps 作為 Corner Bass Traps 效能,但事實也發現是無效!且現實在香港的環境狹窄居室中,前後堆疊法根本不可行,有地方建做 Bass Trap 在牆角更有效,前後堆疊只是為測試而測試而已,不用太執着!

Based on Realtrap Q&A,

A: With enough traps it's possible to make a substantial improvement at 40 Hz and even lower. Although each trap may not absorb 100 percent at very low frequencies, combined they will still help a lot. Obviously the goal is a flat response and reduced ringing at all frequencies. But flatness is much more important above 80 Hz, which encompasses the fullness and "speaking" ranges for bass instruments.

From above, it is clear that RealTraps also recommends to use Combined Arrangements to Increase the Absorption Power

前後堆疊的想法應該與一般的velocity absorbers (例如rigid fiberglass board)
據稱 Realtraps 的設計是屬hybrid design, 多方實驗以找出最佳效果, 確也是
不過以您空間中的各角落空間來看, 放在門邊的這一個位置推測大概是效果最差的.
因為有門, 低頻反射量甚低, 在此處放置bass trap 效益必然低, 這是很明顯的道理.
所以我一開始就問是否能在此測試增加Realtraps only 的數值, 以利圖表結果重疊比較.
不過實驗能做到怎樣的程度, 也是隨人喜歡. 小弟只是提出以為參考, 實際上可不可行, 就留待您自行決定.

:003: :003: :003:


全用 DAAD 調音柱,效果最佳 :great: :great:

全用 RealTraps 調音板,效果不及 DAAD 調音柱 :confused: :confused:

用 DAAD 調音柱加 RealTraps 調音板,效果亦不及只用 DAAD 調音柱 :coldsweat2: :coldsweat2:

:a008: :a008: :a008:

我的最終決定,只用回原來的 DAAD 調音柱組合

但亦另新買入 4 塊 RealTraps BareTraps 作第一反射點吸音 (因效果較 DAAD2 為好)

:004: :004: :004:


並非只用網上搜尋器找資料而來的,未試過 RealTraps,根本不知它是用在我家是無效的

:confused: :confused: :a002: :a002: :045: :045: :042: :042:



除Mondotraps 在100Hz表現稍好, 基本上觀察這圖表就能判斷, 若要達到100Hz以下夠大的LF absorption,
必須數量夠多(尤其是Mondotrap), 覆蓋愈多角落愈佳.
以數量不足的mondotrap, 加上LF absorption 多在100Hz 以上的其它 Realtraps,
來判斷其低頻吸收功能, 應該要focus在100Hz以上的低-中低頻部份.
個人相信此與ethan 設計它們為broadband LF absorbers, instead of tuned panel traps
因tuned bass traps 相對窄頻的設計, 才能在100Hz以下有較明顯的效果.
您所稱"用在我家,經合理比較及測試後,作為調音及低頻處理全用 DAAD 調音柱,效果最佳",
只能說是在此空間, 如此的設置方式在低頻的表現上較符合您個人的期待.
至於比較條件與設置方式是否公平完善, 足以判斷Realtraps 的實效, 是令人存疑的.

:announce: :announce: :question2: :question2: :a013: :a013: :lightbulb: :lightbulb:

最後再次多謝 Eddie 兄慷慨借出 RealTraps 我嘗試 :sorry: :sorry: :sorry:

為答謝他的好意,故也花了很多時間詳細列出大部份測試内容及結果 :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

供大家參考,並分享我的個人體驗 :love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

:049: :049: :drink1: :004: :004:

公開討論用家測試, 做為旁觀者頂多只有原則討論的餘地.
針對一些設置條件的提問, 以非用家的觀念做細部的探討, 也是達到學習觀摩的目的.
如果要用過才能提問討論, 未免不切實際.
無論如何還是要感謝諸君的熱心分享 :007:
最後由 minime 於 2010-01-16, 11:14 編輯, 總共編輯了 1 次
Fun區 - 小混混
Fun區 - 小混混
文章: 48

2009-11-04, 18:46

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 jjj 發表於 2010-01-16, 10:56

Me not expert but I think the extra Real Traps did not show improvement in Raymond hing's house (although still can affect imaging on real life listening) may due to ; :ebsmile:

1)Real traps placed on opening area(door)
--Try on front/rear right corners(enclosed area) maybe(may not) better :ebsmile:
--I feel with existing Raymond DAADs placements, only hang all extra Real Traps on ceilings(scatter around with 45degree to corners) then able to see better improvement. :modlaugh:
--Consumer bass traps did not design to trap low low frequency + most rooms are not big enough :modlaugh:

2)DAADs already done a nice job
--Bring all DAADs out of the room and replace by Real Traps then can compare the both .

Through my little experience, only scatter bass traps all around the corners(including ceiling) then will see good results . :ebsmile:

Raymond hing may also want to just open 1 of the doors slightly(to leak out some bass) and measure(just try for fun :a010: ).

I am just passing by , please do not shoot me , I beat myself first :selfpun: :selfpun:

(Note: I did not use any of Raymond hing's bass traps product and those EQ software before :ebsmile: :inlove2: :sorry)
Marantz,SvS,Mcintosh,JBL Array,RGPC,PS Audio,Quantum,Purist Audio Design,Pioneer,Denon,Aurender,KimberKable,Behringer,Wireworld,Shunyata,Hifi tuning,Stewart,Audio prism,Silent source,Equi=Tech,Exactpower,AYRE,ASI,Lampizator
Fun區 - 小頭目
Fun區 - 小頭目
文章: 418
來自: Singapore

2005-06-02, 10:58

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 minime 發表於 2010-01-16, 11:05

Hey man, I beat you to it :048:

How are your subs going?
Fun區 - 小混混
Fun區 - 小混混
文章: 48

2009-11-04, 18:46

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 luckybeanbean 發表於 2010-01-16, 11:27

minime 寫: Hey man, I beat you to it :048:

How are your subs going?

looks like you already knew jjj :modlaugh:

正Food Guidehttps://www.facebook.com/JingFoodGuide#
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
文章: 49378
來自: 福京, 正福街

2005-02-01, 12:19

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 Raymond Wan 發表於 2010-01-16, 11:41

jjj 寫: Me not expert but I think the extra Real Traps did not show improvement in Raymond hing's house (although still can affect imaging on real life listening) may due to ; :ebsmile:

1)Real traps placed on opening area(door)
--Try on front/rear right corners(enclosed area) maybe(may not) better :ebsmile:
--I feel with existing Raymond DAADs placements, only hang all extra Real Traps on ceilings(scatter around with 45degree to corners) then able to see better improvement. :modlaugh:
--Consumer bass traps did not design to trap low low frequency + most rooms are not big enough :modlaugh:

2)DAADs already done a nice job
--Bring all DAADs out of the room and replace by Real Traps then can compare the both .

Through my little experience, only scatter bass traps all around the corners(including ceiling) then will see good results . :ebsmile:

Raymond hing may also want to just open 1 of the doors slightly(to leak out some bass) and measure(just try for fun :a010: ).

I am just passing by , please do not shoot me , I beat myself first :selfpun: :selfpun:

(Note: I did not use any of Raymond hing's bass traps product and those EQ software before :ebsmile: :inlove2: :sorry)

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

Hi Jason

Long time no see ! How's your AV life in Singapore ?

:049: :049: :drink1: :guitar: :guitar:

I am not just testing at the door/wall corner. But also at wall/wall corners at the front left and right.

If you have time to review all my tests on RealTraps, I did nearly all the possible combinations of using RealTraps and DAAD individually and together on both corners and walls.

試用 RealTraps 產品 --> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=155185

RealTraps 吸音板和 DAAD 調音柱測試 --> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=155928

再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱 --> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=157529

In all case, the findings are
(1) DAAD is slightly better than RealTraps in my home
(2) Adding additional RealTraps will not achieve improvements
(3) Use RealTraps at first reflection point at the side walls is better than present DAAD2
(4) Use RealTraps placed along the walls at scattered locations will improve the RT60 slightly

:004: :004: :004:

The aim of trying the RealTraps is to find possible improvement on dealing better control on the bass frequency to flatten a little bit as well as handle the existing room mode of 26Hz.

However, I cannot achieve the goal from the various tests.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Anyway, I finally find a useful adoption of RealTraps is to use in the first reflection points.

Hence, I end up with the purchase of 4 units of RealTraps BareTraps.

:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Hope the above can give you full picture of my past tests and some basic findings leading to the conclusion and adoption of RealTraps and DAADs for my own home environment based on the present acoustic conditions.

:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:
最後由 Raymond Wan 於 2010-01-16, 11:44 編輯, 總共編輯了 1 次
Have 100% Fun on Sharing AV & HiFi Subjects and Knowledge
My Subconscious M&K Combos
Welcome to My AV World: Home Theatre
Raymond Wan
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
文章: 26231
來自: 中國一幅地

2004-11-22, 21:08

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 minime 發表於 2010-01-16, 11:43

luckybeanbean 寫:
minime 寫: Hey man, I beat you to it :048:

How are your subs going?

looks like you already knew jjj :modlaugh:

I don't know him.

I adore him.

Is that OK? :gagag:
Fun區 - 小混混
Fun區 - 小混混
文章: 48

2009-11-04, 18:46

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 Raymond Wan 發表於 2010-01-16, 12:13

minime 寫:
您所稱"用在我家,經合理比較及測試後,作為調音及低頻處理全用 DAAD 調音柱,效果最佳",

只能說是在此空間, 如此的設置方式在低頻的表現上較符合您個人的期待.

至於比較條件與設置方式是否公平完善, 足以判斷Realtraps 的實效, 是令人存疑的.

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

Please note, I have just limited availability of the RealTraps Products and DAADs Production.


RealTraps MondoTraps x 2

RealTraps MiniTraps x 2

RealTraps BareTraps x 4

DAAD3 x 4

DAAD2 x 5

I do not have unlimited supply of RealTraps products.

From reality point of view, what I can do is just based on those products available on hand to do the test in my little home.

Please also be advised that I have not said RealTraps is not useful at all.

Please read my past post, I have just pointed out that RealTraps is not working at my home.

In particular, I have pointed out that RealTraps may work on other brothers home using same model and same quantities of RealTraps with the suggestion of asking they to consider and try them out by their own.

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

My intention of the exercise is doing for myself to find possible enhancement.

The posting of the data and results are purely for sharing purposes for consideration by others.

:hello: :hello: :hello:

I do not have any intention to PROVE or REJECT the general effectiveness of RealTraps products.

I believe this is the task of the agent of RealTraps as a manufacturer.

For acoustic treatment & products, there are so many combinations as well as so many variation in the actual environment they are going to be placed and tested.

No one get the actual results based on the simple test data and graphs from RealTraps.

At least, I cannot find the frequency improvement at my home related to the claimed results from RealTraps.

The test data of RealTraps is true data but just cannot repeated at my home only.

Sound Acoustic is a science as well as art, you may or may not able to predict its patterns.

Real Tests are the only way to show the Real Performance at your Own Home.

:eusa_dance: :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:
Have 100% Fun on Sharing AV & HiFi Subjects and Knowledge
My Subconscious M&K Combos
Welcome to My AV World: Home Theatre
Raymond Wan
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
Fun區皇室 - PinkG首腦
文章: 26231
來自: 中國一幅地

2004-11-22, 21:08

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 minime 發表於 2010-01-16, 12:23

Raymond Wan 寫:
minime 寫:
您所稱"用在我家,經合理比較及測試後,作為調音及低頻處理全用 DAAD 調音柱,效果最佳",

只能說是在此空間, 如此的設置方式在低頻的表現上較符合您個人的期待.

至於比較條件與設置方式是否公平完善, 足以判斷Realtraps 的實效, 是令人存疑的.

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

Please note, I have just limited availability of the RealTraps Products and DAADs Production.


RealTraps MondoTraps x 2

RealTraps MiniTraps x 2

RealTraps BareTraps x 4

DAAD3 x 4

DAAD2 x 5

I do not have unlimited supply of RealTraps products.

From reality point of view, what I can do is just based on those products available on hand to do the test in my little home.

Please also be advised that I have not said RealTraps is not useful at all.

Please read my past post, I have just pointed out that RealTraps is not working at my home.

In particular, I have pointed out that RealTraps may work on other brothers home using same model and same quantities of RealTraps with the suggestion of asking they to consider and try them out by their own.

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

My intention of the exercise is doing for myself to find possible enhancement.

The posting of the data and results are purely for sharing purposes for consideration by others.

:hello: :hello: :hello:

I do not have any intention to PROVE or REJECT the general effectiveness of RealTraps products.

I believe this is the task of the agent of RealTraps as a manufacturer.

For acoustic treatment & products, there are so many combinations as well as so many variation in the actual environment they are going to be placed and tested.

No one get the actual results based on the simple test data and graphs from RealTraps.

At least, I cannot find the frequency improvement at my home related to the claimed results from RealTraps.

The test data of RealTraps is true data but just cannot repeated at my home only.

Sound Acoustic is a science as well as art, you may or may not able to predict its patterns.

Real Tests are the only way to show the Real Performance at your Own Home.

:eusa_dance: :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:

有您的辛勤實驗, 我們才能跟著學到東西.

Fun區 - 小混混
Fun區 - 小混混
文章: 48

2009-11-04, 18:46

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 jjj 發表於 2010-01-16, 13:01

minime 寫: Hey man, I beat you to it :048:

How are your subs going?

Thanks bro , so far so good. :modlaugh:
Marantz,SvS,Mcintosh,JBL Array,RGPC,PS Audio,Quantum,Purist Audio Design,Pioneer,Denon,Aurender,KimberKable,Behringer,Wireworld,Shunyata,Hifi tuning,Stewart,Audio prism,Silent source,Equi=Tech,Exactpower,AYRE,ASI,Lampizator
Fun區 - 小頭目
Fun區 - 小頭目
文章: 418
來自: Singapore

2005-06-02, 10:58

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 jjj 發表於 2010-01-16, 13:02

luckybeanbean 寫:
minime 寫: Hey man, I beat you to it :048:

How are your subs going?

looks like you already knew jjj :modlaugh:

We have discussions in other forums before . :inlove2:
Marantz,SvS,Mcintosh,JBL Array,RGPC,PS Audio,Quantum,Purist Audio Design,Pioneer,Denon,Aurender,KimberKable,Behringer,Wireworld,Shunyata,Hifi tuning,Stewart,Audio prism,Silent source,Equi=Tech,Exactpower,AYRE,ASI,Lampizator
Fun區 - 小頭目
Fun區 - 小頭目
文章: 418
來自: Singapore

2005-06-02, 10:58

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 jjj 發表於 2010-01-16, 13:44

Raymond Wan 寫:
jjj 寫: Me not expert but I think the extra Real Traps did not show improvement in Raymond hing's house (although still can affect imaging on real life listening) may due to ; :ebsmile:

1)Real traps placed on opening area(door)
--Try on front/rear right corners(enclosed area) maybe(may not) better :ebsmile:
--I feel with existing Raymond DAADs placements, only hang all extra Real Traps on ceilings(scatter around with 45degree to corners) then able to see better improvement. :modlaugh:
--Consumer bass traps did not design to trap low low frequency + most rooms are not big enough :modlaugh:

2)DAADs already done a nice job
--Bring all DAADs out of the room and replace by Real Traps then can compare the both .

Through my little experience, only scatter bass traps all around the corners(including ceiling) then will see good results . :ebsmile:

Raymond hing may also want to just open 1 of the doors slightly(to leak out some bass) and measure(just try for fun :a010: ).

I am just passing by , please do not shoot me , I beat myself first :selfpun: :selfpun:

(Note: I did not use any of Raymond hing's bass traps product and those EQ software before :ebsmile: :inlove2: :sorry)

:love_china: :love_china: :love_china:

Hi Jason

Long time no see ! How's your AV life in Singapore ?

:049: :049: :drink1: :guitar: :guitar:

I am not just testing at the door/wall corner. But also at wall/wall corners at the front left and right.

If you have time to review all my tests on RealTraps, I did nearly all the possible combinations of using RealTraps and DAAD individually and together on both corners and walls.

試用 RealTraps 產品 --> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=155185

RealTraps 吸音板和 DAAD 調音柱測試 --> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=155928

再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱 --> viewtopic.php?f=7&t=157529

In all case, the findings are
(1) DAAD is slightly better than RealTraps in my home
(2) Adding additional RealTraps will not achieve improvements
(3) Use RealTraps at first reflection point at the side walls is better than present DAAD2
(4) Use RealTraps placed along the walls at scattered locations will improve the RT60 slightly

:004: :004: :004:

The aim of trying the RealTraps is to find possible improvement on dealing better control on the bass frequency to flatten a little bit as well as handle the existing room mode of 26Hz.

However, I cannot achieve the goal from the various tests.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Anyway, I finally find a useful adoption of RealTraps is to use in the first reflection points.

Hence, I end up with the purchase of 4 units of RealTraps BareTraps.

:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Hope the above can give you full picture of my past tests and some basic findings leading to the conclusion and adoption of RealTraps and DAADs for my own home environment based on the present acoustic conditions.

:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

I am fine , thanks bro :drink1:

Already slow down on AV since baby born . Now experiencing what bro Luckybeanbean been thru before. :coldsweat2:

I have read some of your testings and experiments but I feel your DAADs already done a good job on what it should so adding this Real traps on the same locations may not improve anything. :ebsmile:(except more on changing imaging and adding pressure)

Trying on a open corners(got doors) is not a good idea since bass will sure leak out and hard to trap . It is better still to just change/open the door slightly(just like SvS sub tuning port) and feel the difference.

What I see from your pics is your ceiling corners quite bare so that should be the locations to put and test if you really want to have significant differences from current . But ofcoz need to go thru lot of hazzale just to hang up the Real Traps... :a002:

Based on your findings;
1)DAAD can be better in your case since materials used, size and placement method,amount of space occupied in your room are different. All these can result in different imaging and etc. Ofcoz you did a good job by comparing in actual situations and not just reading . Really admire :a008:

2)Like I mentioned , place the Real Traps at the ceilings think should improve more.

3)Since Real traps is bigger in size , the absorptions of first reflections area also bigger so no doubt it it yield better results :question2:

4)Again because you covered bigger area by placing the Real Traps along the walls at scattered locations so it sure improve something.

26hz I guess the only way to to change your door/open your door . No consumer traps can do that. It may only seems improving because it improve the ringing on higher frequencies that will also affect readings on lower frequencies. However , actual fact is it is not doing anything on 26hz .

If you still can remember my room , you can see I covered almost every inches of my room with somethings(although looks ugly :Vomit2: ). This is because I strongly believe sound is 360degree(with reflections and etc) from speakers so every small inches counts :ebsmile: . It will be worst if room is small(like me) so better covered every areas with somethings. :inlove2:

DAAD2 is good but we cannot ignore the fact that it is small and the area covered is smaller for first reflections.

Again,wrong infos don't beat me I apologize first :sorry: :selfpun:
最後由 jjj 於 2010-01-16, 14:35 編輯, 總共編輯了 2 次
Marantz,SvS,Mcintosh,JBL Array,RGPC,PS Audio,Quantum,Purist Audio Design,Pioneer,Denon,Aurender,KimberKable,Behringer,Wireworld,Shunyata,Hifi tuning,Stewart,Audio prism,Silent source,Equi=Tech,Exactpower,AYRE,ASI,Lampizator
Fun區 - 小頭目
Fun區 - 小頭目
文章: 418
來自: Singapore

2005-06-02, 10:58

Re: [AV] 再試 RealTraps 用作牆角 Bass Trap 低頻陷阱

文章發表人 Eddie Ngan 發表於 2010-01-16, 13:47

Thanks Raymond for his wonderful and detail test!
Eddie Ngan
Fun區 - 黑龍總司令
Fun區 - 黑龍總司令
文章: 5997

2004-11-23, 00:14


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